Hang up my gloves?

Hang up my gloves or wrap them up a little tighter around my wrist? Beats me. Found this poem from the archives. I don’t feel the same about the person that I wrote this for; and I couldn’t give a damn any more. And I know it’s a little similar to the poem “I can’t swim no more” that I have posted in April, but I think this was before I wanted to stop fighting the waves of despair. Now, I think I’m in a better place. A way better place. But dealing with this sudden pleasant yet confusing deluge of Vitamin Sunshine is so new and tough for me. I might be rather cryptic, but I don’t suppose I’ll make sense until the situation itself makes sense to me. But I perceive new beginnings, and I couldn’t be more thankful!

Anyways, here we go. I am know I will never have to go through this another time to write in this vein again. Also, since the time this was written, we have the option of blocking the “last seen at” option in Whatsapp. So liberating!

You know that feeling?
When you can’t believe how low you are feeling.
When it was just a week ago that you were floating on cloud nine.
Now you’re being forced to leave it all behind.
You now look back at the giddy-headed you,
And you think, “Seriously, were those feelings true?”
Because nothing feels as real as this sinking emotion.
Of not being wanted, of being on the other end of the spectrum.
Last week, I was dizzy with happiness,
A light punch on my cheek had my heart flying.
This week, I look at my messages, wondering if my phone’s alright,
Hoping against hope that the next ping would be from you.
I feel distraught, I feel a little cheated.
I feel, why did I feel all that I did the last week?
I am used to being on my own, used to the nagging void in my heart.
What I am not used to is, that void being filled and then suddenly sucked away.
Leaving me with an even bigger void, and the misery of being neglected.
It’s a tiring struggle. I have quite a mind to hang up my gloves.
It would be nice, that you do the same – and not continue punching me with your indifference.

I can’t swim no more.

Can heartache be a good enough reason to not work?
I don’t need these distractions.
I want to bask in the beautiful feeling that is heartbreak.
I want to feel every single ebb,
Every single sniffle coming on.
Feel the frustration.
That makes me want to hit Windows + L and never return.
That makes me want to turn the volume up really high.
Hearing but not listening to another track on soundcloud.
Can I, while I wallow in utter pissed off misdirected anger,
Stare at a point on the ceiling?
Can I write down anything and call it as a poem?
Can I just drift into a pathetic sleep
That’s brought on by hot angry tears?
Can I please just switch off from any kind of feelings?
Just lean back in my chair and shut my eyes,
Try to not go under this wave of pain.
But I’ll relent.
Let it take me down.
I don’t know if I want to come up for air.
I can’t swim no more.

Bangalore showers and all that it entails

I suffer from withdrawal symptoms due to not having posted anything since the last few days. Perhaps that is an indication that I must write! With nearly every other conversation with every other person revolving around the pleasant showers we are experiencing in Bangalore since the last three days, I think I must type my thoughts on it too. I resisted temptation to put up a status message on Facebook for the same, since it was flooded with similar messages. And apparently, around Sarjapur side of town it flooded a bit too. Nothing to be alarmed, not a new story for anyone who is now seasoned to a bought of rains in Bangalore.

I recall an article I wrote for the school newspaper in the 9th grade. It was the monsoon season, and ten years ago, it was bountiful,predictable and still capable of creating a havoc (although this one time our exams were cancelled due to it, for which we thanked the rain gods ). The content would not have to be altered much to suit the present day, as I still crave to eat those very items – samosas, boiled corn, the company of my cycling buddies, the appreciative sounds from my folks as they sip on a hot beverage of their preference. But somethings have changed ten years since that post. My folks may or may not be around, or those cycling buddies. But great weather somehow stirs the poetic soul of mine, and I simply long for the company of a particular someone. There is something about fantastic weather which simply should not be experienced alone. There was this one fantastic evening in June, 2008, when I was in a park with my Grandad and my Networks notes. I was in the 6th semester of college, and I needed a change in scene to revise better. There had been a pleasant shower just before we stepped into the park, and lo and behold! There was a dazzling rainbow too! I still have a photo of it somewhere, clicked on my K790i, but I cannot locate it now, besides, it did not do justice to how beautiful it looked. But I can close my eyes and instantly be transported to how I felt. I had this longing for the presence of my cycling buddies, namely K and V. I equate a huge part of my childhood to these two, and there is no one else on the planet who knows how much we enjoyed the sounds of a basketball dribbling on a wet basketball court, a slight chill in the air, a glorious rainbow overhead, which you’d notice only when you send the ball soaring in the skies (and hopefully into the basket). But at the same time, I inexplainably felt this longing for this person I was crushing on. It was an intense feeling, that the happiness I had in my heart due to the weather would be complete only if I shared it with him. I just had to text him! I wrote something rather intense and tried to sound all nonchalant in the end of the text stating that a cloud above was shaped like a bum. It was actually a very sweet exchange, I can recollect the exact words. I can smile myself silly to this day at that recollection. In the four years that we dated, there were days with lovely weather, but not one as distinctly glorious as the day I realized that I had fallen in love with him.

A bunch of my friends and I have a private joke going on about good weather “awesome mausum” all thanks to one recent, mutual day of weather admiration that lead to a midweek night out, and tremendous sleep deprivation the next morning for most of the people involved. But the spontaneous manner in which we met up that evening, at odd hours and even stranger transport arrangements, piping hot kachoris (that S and I did not get to eat, sadly) and ginger or elachi tea, a few rounds of Table Tennis, a long convincing session as to why we must not waste any hours of the wonderful night sleeping, then heading over to R’s place, A cooking scrambled eggs with toast at 2 in the morning, watching Delhi Belly, sleeping a few winks and then prank calls to other friends the next morning, followed by breakfast at McDonalds. Eventful, all instigated by excellent Bangalore weather. We were filled with mirth at being in each other’s presence, the wonderful feeling that is simply attributed to “being with friends”. Funnily enough, I don’t think we spent much time actual being outdoors to enjoy the weather, but it served as great pretext. This group has taught me that any plan that is planned, never works out and that obscurity and spontaneity reign supreme. Plans that emerge from such “lack of planning” are invariably the ones you enjoy the most. Cheers to that!

Now when Bangalore was enjoying respite from the heat a few days ago, I found myself with a cup of hot chocolate on my balcony, the sources of light being the occasional thunder and my phone’s screen glowing. After deliberations with myself and my darn feelings, I’d pinged the person I was so longing for to be with me in my balcony. Sharing the same feeling of wind in the hair, the silent, but loud, long glances at each other, the blush of the cheeks due to those glances, only to be calmed by the slight sprinkle of the rains, the aroma of the wet earth hitting us and intoxicating us in a manner no spirit ever could. I am trying so hard to come back to ground zero after having taken that leap of faith. There’s nothing too splendid about unrequited love. It’s a bitch, for the most part. For the rest, it gives you a validation that yes, your heart that was horribly broken before, its mending enough to feel this way for another person. There could have been many things I would have advised my heart+brain before it took this plunge – wear a parachute! Make sure he’s worth your love! Make sure it’s for keeps this time around! HA! That sound you all heard? Was me laughing at the sheer stupidity of even suggesting those things. Falling in love is not a calculated move. It an absolute gamble, where you are always playing blind. And as much as you might tell yourself that there are many fascinating fish in the sea, there’s just this darn one tugging so hard at my string. This one’s sometimes swimming far away, sometimes drowning me with his affectionate looks, then quite literally making me drown in my own questions about HOW I should feel about him. But I smile at this roller coaster of emotions. I smile at that silly being who has plunged me into this confusion. I smile, for I know that it’s a farce, I know I am in love with him. While I would love to see that smile mirrored on that beautiful face, lit up by the flashes of light, moistened by the rains; or not see it at all, because I would have my face buried in an embrace; it’s okay, I tell my heart. We’re healing, that’s all that matters. But darn you, Bangalore showers!

PS: this post was in my draft for quite a while, we are feeling the oppressive heat again. The beverage has changed in my hands, but the desire – has not changed a bit. I have no photo to dazzle a reader with, but then again, its the heart that “captured” the rains, not a camera lens!